----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Samuel
To: Jimmy George
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 11:08 AM
Subject: Vishnusankalpam and a little dose of Memeology
eda jimmy,
Your Vishnu Sankalpam full edition is great.
I think you write Malayalam very lucidly and I love it.
sometimes, I feel that I have lost this kind of lucidity in writing Malayalam. May be you can be my Malayalam guru...
Evolution of consciousness levels is a dynamic experience .. when we do our own soul searching helped by Gayatri Mantram or Lord's prayer, we move or levitate towards greener and greener pastures of consciousness.
But this experience is tasted in its full flavour and intensity by a few like you in my circle of friends...and I am deeply grateful to you for that.
Look at some of our friends 30 years before and now.. Can you really notice any stages awakening in them? May be there are a few cases of minor shifts of consciousness in some... But there could be some cases of major shifts as well.. Jimmy, you and I can help many others.. Do not underestimate your potential or become diffident...
Of course, both of us have little time at our disposal for such divine intercourses.. But, I think it is no excuse.. I think we need to do better justice to ourselves..
I was reading a book on Biology recently and it talks about different stages of awakening in humanity through the shifts of Memes embedded in our DNA. Memes are like genes that carry a collective blue print of our evolution in DNA.. Genes are individual imprints and memes are collective imprints..
It says that there are 8 levels of awakening in thinking of humanity..
They are:
BEIGE: If the thinking is automatic, the structures are loose bands. The process is survivalistic. The characteristics of such thinking is based on survival instincts. Distinct self is barely awakened. Food, water, safety, sex , warmth etc have priority,
These kinds of people form into survival bands to perpetuate life.
If the thinking is animistic, the structures will be tribal. The process will be circular. Such people obey the desires of spirit beings and mystical signs, show allegiance to chiefs, elders, ancestors and the clan. They preserve sacred objects, palces , events, rites etc.. In South Africa even now, we have a clan of this group called Sangomas.. They believe in pleasiong spirits., we have plenty of examples in India too.
If the thinking is egocentric, the structures are empires, the process is exploitative:
This is the third awakening of humanity. The basic theme is " Be what you are and do what you want".
There are plenty of people on this planet who are RED.
their charecteristics and actions are:
The world is a jungle full of predators and threats.
Breaks free from any domination or constraints to please self as self desires
Stands tall, expects attention, demands respect, and calls the shots
Enjoys self to the fullest right now without any remorse
Kind of James Bond characters!
If the thinking is absolutistic,the structures are pyramidal. The process is authoritarian.
Most of the corporate structures are still like this.
A lot of today's mankind is in this stage of awakening.
This order enforces a code of conduct based on absolutistic principles . They believe in righteous living that produces stability and future reward.
Impulsivity of RED is controlled through guilt; everybody has their proper place. Laws, morality build the social structure.
Even Islamic fundamentalists and Churches show these characteristics.
This is the 5th awakening. Here the thinking is multiplistic and the process is strategic and the structures are delegative. The basic theme of such people is " Act in your own self-interest by playing the game to win"
They believe in optimism, risk taking, self-reliance. Societies of such people prosper through strategy, technology and competitiveness..
Many reputed organizations today are embracing this awakening. There are sprouts of this awakening in my company ABB too. Many copoprate thinking people subscribe today to this awakening..
This is a communitarian Meme.
The thinking is realtivistic and the structures are egalitarian and the process is consensual.
There is a minority in the making now embracing this awakening.. I think I have transited through this phase in this lifetime. The basic theme is " seek peace in inner self and explore with others, the caring dimensions of the community.
Feeling, sensitivity and caring supercede cold rationality in such people. Such people reach decisions through reconciliation and consensus process.
Nelson Mandela did it in South Africa. Jimmy Carter is another example. Rahul Gandhi is awakening in this mode.. May be I am guessing.
The world is yet to see many Mandelas!
If the thinking is systemic, the structures are interactive. The process is integrative. This is the 7th awakening: "Live fully and responsibly as you are and become"is the basic theme of such people. Easier said than done though!! In this, the thinking is systemic, structures are interactive and the process is integrative..
In this wakening, flexibility, functionality, spontaneity have the highest priority.
I remember a lot of instances in which three of us you , me and Thanki have exhibited this characteristics and enjoyed it fully. May be we should capture the liveliness of the moments more intesely., The only problem is that we need some stimulation from alcohol to get there.. we should transcend the alcoholism to enjoy this more intensely.. don't you agree? Such people value the magnificience of existence over material possessions.
I believe we three have something common here and we should cherish it..
I think 3 of us have come to this 7th awakening ..
This is the great awakening the 8th one.
The basic theme is " experience the wholeness of existence through mind and spirit". In this awakening, the thinking is holistic, the structures are global, the process is flowing and ecological.
Such people can feel the throbs of anything ..Earth is not just a planet for them . It is Gaia a living organism and they can feel the vibes and synchronize with it.
In quiet moments, I have got glimpses of this experience and I am getting more and more..
May be you agree with me.. Energy and information permeate the whole environment
Where will you place our friends in different stages of awakening through the 30 years. It will be interesting to know!! some of them have migrated to higher levels. Some stay put.
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